What to Expect
If you open the pages of the New Testament, you read of Christians worshiping, working, preaching, and praying. When you worship with us, these are elements you can expect:
When someone makes a decision to become a Christian, you will witness their baptism. They will go to the baptistry at the front of the auditorium. An oral confession of faith will be made by the person (Matthew 10:32). They will then enter the baptistry where they will be immersed for the forgiveness of their sins. This expression of faith coupled with obedience to the scriptures takes away sin and places them in a new relationship with Jesus and his church. At baptism a person becomes a part of our family and the Lord adds his or her name to the church (Acts2:47).
We sing acapella – with our voices. We read scriptures that tell us to use the instrument He created – the human voice and human heart – so we sing without any instrument accompaniment (Ephesians 5:19-20). If you’re unfamiliar, we encourage you to try it. We believe you’ll find it uplifting and beautiful.
The Lord’s Supper
Every Sunday we gather to remember the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross by partaking in the Lord’s Supper (Acts 20:7). The actions taken by Jesus and his disciples at the Last Supper are the basis of this practice. The bread without yeast symbolizes Christ’s physical body and the grape juice mirrors His blood given for our sins (Luke 22:19-20). By these actions, we remember our freedom from sin and our anticipation of heaven.
We give our physical means each week as an expression of our gratitude for God’s blessings, but also to acknowledge our role as stewards of the wealth God has provided (2 Corinthians 9:6-8). With the money collected, we spread God’s message and help those in need. All contributions are free-will, and no one is obligated to give.
Our sermons come from God’s word with applications to today’s culture. They deepen our understanding of His will as revealed in the Bible. Studying Scripture strengthens our faith and encourages our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ (2 Timothy 3:16). Whether part of a multi-week series, or a one-time topic, this time during our services represents an important part of our worship.
Come Visit Us!
Come give us a chance to meet you, be your friend, and help you learn about our God, his Son, and the power they have to transform your life.