Anniversary Celebration | Carl and Shirley McBride

Please join us in celebrating the 60th wedding anniversary of Carl and Shirley McBride this Saturday, January 8th from 2 to 4 pm in the South Fellowship Area. No gifts are needed; however, cards and notes are appreciated.

Sisters in Service

North End 1409 N. Waterview Dr., TX

The sewing group meets Monday, January 10, from 9:30 am to 2 pm in the north wing. Bring a snack or lunch. Join us!

Mighty Men’s Mentoring Conference

All men are invited to attend the Mighty Men’s Mentoring Conference on Saturday, January 15, 2022 at Southfork Ranch and it will be conducted by Dr. Bob Turner and Willie B. Williams.

Wednesday Morning Ladies’ Bible Class

Wednesday morning ladies' Bible class will kick off the spring 2022 semester with a luncheon on January 26 at 11:00 am. Please plan to join us. Class books will be available this Sunday at the transaction counter. They are $8 each.

Baby Boy Shower for Joseline Ballard

There will be a baby boy shower for Joseline Ballard on Sunday afternoon,  January 30th from 1 to 2:30 pm in the north atrium. Selections are registered at Target and Amazon.

Bloom Conference

The 28th annual women’s event at Harding University, the Bloom Conference, will be held February 18-19, 2022.