
The ageless wisdom of Lemuel remains the basis of why Waterview’s targets ministry to women.

Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. (Proverbs 31:30)

The most beautiful women in the world are women of godly character. Waterview seeks to build and enhance the timeless beauty of spirit in many ways.

Wednesday Morning Bible Study   –  Wednesdays 10AM

Wednesday mornings during the Spring and Fall, our ladies meet together for fellowship and Bible study. There are a large number of ladies who are involved, but during this event we also break into small groups to study a book each semester by a Christian author. Our in-depth lessons help us grow as Christians and our fellowship deepens our love for one another.   Ladies of all ages are encouraged to attend this uplifting class.

Wednesday Night Spring Ladies Class  –  Wednesdays 7PM  (Spring Only)

In the Spring, our ladies have a special time on Wednesday nights to come together to study the word, reflect on wisdom shared by others, and discuss some practical tips/tools for modern living. Watch the sessions.

Ladies Day – 2022

Where Do I Fit?
Do you know God has a purpose for your life that you (and only you) are uniquely qualified to fulfill? Whatever blessings you’ve been blessed with or trials you’ve struggled with (even losing those struggles from time to time), they all have prepared you to be right where you are today.  In whatever condition or situation (broken or whole) you find yourself today, that is EXACTLY where God’s purpose for you can be achieved.  When each of God’s daughters is working her unique purpose – God is glorified!

Session 1  |  Session 2  |  Skit  |  Session 3

Other Opportunities

Ladies Retreat

Yearly, a special ladies retreat is held with study sessions and a special resource speaker.

Sisters in Service

More than just a Monday sewing circle. In the 20 years the ministry has been in service over 17,000 items have been delivered. The ministry includes  sewing, quilting, and knitting. The items made are distributed to hospitals, nursing homes and our own Waterview members.


Dustin Jones
Family Development Minister

Congregational Assimilation Team
Deacon Group


Upcoming Events

Wednesday Night Ladies Class

March 5 | 7:15 pm - May 28 | 8:00 pm

Connect with us on social media to stay up-to-date with the latest news and events.
