Good News
Kirk Brothers from Heritage Christian University
Kirk Brothers from Heritage Christian University
David Shannon continues his classes from the 2019 Marriage Enrichment Seminar.
David Shannon continues his classes from the 2019 Marriage Enrichment Seminar.
Grieving the loss of a loved one can make an already stressful holiday season even more difficult. Larry Barber from GriefWorks provides practical advice and counsel for navigating the season.
In this lesson, Jason Moon and Evan Todachine affirm how important it is to make youth a focal point of our missions.
Letters have always been written to be read and letters in the Bible are no different. Listen to the last words of the Apostle Paul come to life and he wrote to his son in the faith, Timothy.
We heard from Richard Baggett of Sunset International Bible Institute and Lenin Munguia about how Waterview is helping them in their mission efforts.
Chris McCurley visited with us for the final lesson in the Summer Series and delivered a great sermon about reflecting on our relationship with God.
As a non-traditional Rabbi, Jesus drew many followers that came to hear him teach. As he taught them, he would say things that many did not understand, and sometimes it would cause them to stop following Him and His teaching. However, when many left, it was Peter who recognized that Jesus had the words of eternal life that are written and recorded in our Bibles so that we too can believe and come to know that He is the Holy one of God.
Noel Whitlock visited with us for the ninth lesson in the Summer Series and delivered a great sermon about how the keys to keeping God in awe.