Family Retreat
September 27, 2024 - September 28, 2024
The world we live in moves at such a fast pace all the time; sometimes we forget to slow down and just stop hurrying. This weekend will be unhurried, and we hope it will be slow and relaxing.
On Friday, we’ll make our way to the Ft. Worth Hyatt Cityview, where we’ll eat dinner together. We’ll have a devotional that evening and the following morning. On Saturday, there will be a group activity in the morning and a “choose your own adventure” that afternoon. The hotel has breakfast, and we’ll provide lunch and dinner Saturday.
You can make your own hotel reservations at the Hyatt Cityview by calling them directly at 817-361-9797. A link will be available later. Just tell them you’re part of the Waterview church of Christ group.
Let Dustin Jones know if you plan to join us!