The Changed Plaque
In 1947, something changed in American sports. It rocked American society. In that year, Jackie Robinson became the first African American to play professional baseball. Robinson was a star, not an attraction. At the end of his career, the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY, inducted him into baseball's royalty. Robinson made a request. He only wanted his playing statistics recorded on the Hall of Fame plaque. He refused any mention of the “first African-American.” It was that way until 2008. That’s when the Hall of Fame changed the plaque. Hall of Fame president Jeff Idelson said, “The time is right to recognize his contribution to history, not only as a Hall of Fame player but also as a civil rights pioneer.” Too many times, we see life through the prism of accomplishment. We measure titles, positions, and awards. Yet, God sees through the hollow accolades of human beings. He told Samuel, who was looking for a king “But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7) The Lord doesn’t measure accomplishment, but character. Who you are is more important than what you’ve done. Remember what is most important. It’s not the advancement but transformation. What will God see in your life? -Robert G. Taylor-