Terry Wogan knows what it’s like to speak to multitudes.

Wogan is a veteran BBC broadcaster. For forty years, he has hosted the Radio 2 breakfast show. It has quite a following. Most surveys say the audience is over nine million listeners.

But that’s not how he sees it.

An interviewer asked him, “how many listeners do you have?”

“Only one.”

He explained his answer. Even though 9 million people listened, Wogan spoke to every listener as if they were the only one. That is what made him listenable.

The world comprises 7.7 billion people scattered over the globe.

But God doesn’t deal with humanity, only individuals. Jesus reminded his listeners:

“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.” (Luke 12:6–7)

When God speaks through his word, he is not speaking to humanity. He’s talking to you. It is the one by one who God wants to redeem. He wants individuals to obey him. You are his only audience. It is the one by one who God wants to save.

When you read your Bible, realize that God is talking only to you. Now, will you hear it?

-Robert G. Taylor-