Mt. Elbert is not a place to get lost.

Colorado’s highest mountain challenges even the most experienced climber. Yet, you can get a cell phone signal on the mountain.

But if lost, you need to answer your phone.

One hiker had to spend the night on the mountain until finally turning up safely. But search and rescue teams combed the mountain for him without result, despite placing calls to his phone.

The reason for this delay? The lost hiker ignored the calls because they did not come from a recognized number.

Jesus knew the feeling. He told a story about a banquet. Invitees offered excuses and conflicts. Frustrated, the king went to the streets and brought any who would come. Jesus ends the parable by saying,

“For many are called, but few are chosen.” (Matthew 22:14, ESV)

The message of Jesus, at least in America, is widely spread, yet the faithful shrink by the year. It is not because people cannot hear the message, but because people don’t answer it.

Can you answer Jesus if he calls you?

-Robert G. Taylor-