It’s a Good Idea
Dan Chambers, Pulpit Minister at the Concord Road Church of Christ in Brentwood, TN visits with us to give a series of sermons about what an evangelical church is and how we're different.
Dan Chambers, Pulpit Minister at the Concord Road Church of Christ in Brentwood, TN visits with us to give a series of sermons about what an evangelical church is and how we're different.
Dan Chambers, Pulpit Minister at the Concord Road Church of Christ in Brentwood, TN visits with us to give a series of sermons about what an evangelical church is and how we're different.
Dan Chambers, Pulpit Minister at the Concord Road Church of Christ in Brentwood, TN visits with us to give a series of sermons about what an evangelical church is and how we're different.
Dan Chambers, Pulpit Minister at the Concord Road Church of Christ in Brentwood, TN visits with us to give a series of sermons about what an evangelical church is and how we're different.
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