Leilani Schweitzer is a professional apologizer.

Her formal title is head of communication and resolution at Stanford Hospital in California. She’s good at it because of what happened to her.

Years ago, her 20-month old son Gabriel died of a hospital error and bad equipment at the hospital. That’s usually when the lawyers take over, make excuses, blame someone, and dare you to sue. Instead, as Schweitzer explained, they did none of those things. Instead, they explained, took responsibility, and apologized. It made the difference.

There is something in humans to bristle at admitting they were wrong. It’s easier to point fingers or deny its damage.

That’s not the best strategy. It’s better to be human, admit you made a mistake, and move on. An honest apology is better than a full suite of Ivy League barristers.

Jesus counseled emptying ego and seeing reconciliation.

“So if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.” (Matthew 5:23–24)

 None of us are beyond messing up. The most mature person in the room is the one who can own their faults, failures, and feebleness. Then, say those bitter words so hard to speak sincerely: I apologize.

It makes a difference for others but, even more importantly, for you.

-Robert G. Taylor-