Reflections inundate life.

Some come in the form of mirrors. We look into them, and we only see what shows on the outside.

As author Katy Kelleher observes:

We act as though what we see in the mirror is complete — a self fully formed and rendered truly. But the mirror is only capable of showing what others see. Mirrors reinforce the idea that a person’s value lies on the outside of their body, that it’s possible to learn our value by examining (and altering) our appearance. Mirrors can convey the false idea that our appearance is more important than personality and character.

The part that got my attention was, “the mirror only shows us what others see.”

How tragic and how limiting is that view of life. Isn’t your life more than the extra pounds or the time-carved wrinkles? Are your bags under the eyes, or even the broad, bright smile?

It is hard to avoid what mirrors show us. It’s even hard for God’s prophets.

Samuel went king-shopping. In his eyes’ picture-window, it showed kings galore. Strong. Energetic. Handsome.

Yet God kept shaking his head. Finally, he has to turn Samuel’s head away from the images in the mirror. Instead, break the mirror, he says, and see what I see.

“But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7)

 And with that, be thankful. God overlooks physical imperfections and sees into the heart, searching for compassion, faith, and love. No mirror shows you that.

As much as we care for our appearance, we should care even more about our spirits. For, what does not show up in a mirror shows up in eternity.

-Robert G. Taylor-