Summer is a rough time to be a mailman. Century-degree temperatures wear a body out.

Carmine McDaniel knew that. He wanted to do something for a man named Henry Bailey, whom he had befriended. Bailey was his mailman.

He wanted to make sure his friend stayed cool and hydrated. He decided to leave a cooler filled with Gatorade and water on their front step.

When Henry came to the house, he saw the cooler. The family’s video doorbell captured the reaction.

“O man, water and Gatorade. Thank you, thank you.”

When we have significant needs, the right gift at the right time means more than words can tell. It was that sentiment that Paul tried to express to the Ephesians.

In him, we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace (Ephesians 1:7)

Out of His great wealth that God gave the ultimate gift, one that matched the need of you and I. None of us could help ourselves. It was the supreme gift out of the riches of God that meets our deepest Christ.

When he comes to Carmine McDaniel’s door, Henry Bailey knows he will find something to slake a dry throat. When we come to God, we know we will find forgiveness and hope.

And with Bailey, we can say to God, “thank you, thank you.”

-Robert G. Taylor-