
The End?

On Sunday nights in 2018, we have focused on going through the Bible. We have read it and reached the end. What do you do when you get to the end and you know what the Bible says? Why should you keep reading the Bible even if you have read it before?

By |2018-12-28T09:11:12-06:00December 23rd, 2018|His Word Sermon Series, Revelation|

Jesus in Revelation – Pt 1

It's easy to approach Revelation with fear and uncertainty. There are many things in Revelation that are confusing to us today that, apparently, was more clear to those who were accustomed to apocalyptic literature in the first century. But, Revelation does one thing we often miss: Revelation reveals Jesus. It's a beautiful and powerful thing we shouldn't miss that we want to expose in two brief lessons called "Jesus in Revelation."

By |2018-12-13T18:40:38-06:00December 2nd, 2018|His Word Sermon Series, Revelation|
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