The book of Ezra documents two groups of exiles returning from the seventy-year Babylonian exile. After considering the two groups and what seems to be their goals, we offer some practical considerations for Christians today.
The book of Ezra documents two groups of exiles returning from the seventy-year Babylonian exile. After considering the two groups and what seems to be their goals, we offer some practical considerations for Christians today.
In God's master plan for the church he designed a special group of workers called "deacons." All Christians are to "serve" and "minister" but those who serve as deacons perform a work in the church that is crucial to a local church's unique needs. This lesson takes a look at this important role.
The sad state of affairs during the days of Noah is summed up in Gen. 6:5-7. Basically, the world's thinking was rotten. In this lesson, we take a close look at this text and then make some applications to our thinking today.
In our "One Book" series we take a look at the books of Chronicles in one lesson just as they appeared in the Hebrew scriptures. After a brief outline synopsis, this lesson focuses on 2 Chron. 7:14 and principles of reformation God gave Solomon.
In the days leading up to the flood, the world was in sinful disarray. One of the problems, according to Gen. 6:4, is the "giants" became the heroes. In every generation we must continue to learn from their mistakes and seek out righteous mentors while always placing Jesus a our number one.
While the story of the kings is the majority in these books, a secondary story-line is about the prophets Elijah and Elisha. In 2 Kings 5, Elisha gives a Syrian army hero a simple remedy for his leprosy. This lesson tracts the journey Naaman took to learn find his remedy.
In the days preceding the flood, marriage fell into a state of disrepair (Gen. 6:1-2). This lesson tracks the reasons for this and offers some solutions for our marriages today.
The book of 1 Kings is one of triumph and tragedy. The kingdom of Israel starts off united and eventually ends in division. The kingship of Jeroboam is the focus of this lesson. He reminds us that convenience isn't always the best thing especially if it involves changing what God has commanded.
Moses was a boy with two mothers. It was a unique situation that resulted in him living in the Egyptian palace as the son of Pharaoh's daughter. But before that, his mother, Jochebed, had the opportunity to give Moses what he needed for life. This story reminds mothers of any generation about their opportunities to do the same.
On the heels of the tragic events of David's sin with Bathsheba, 2 Samuel 12 tells the story of Nathan coming to David to confront him regarding his sin. What Nathan shows us is how to talk to others about their sin.